Unity3d AudioSource not creatable

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I have a strange problem in unity3d. I want to use several audio sources for playing a sound with a overlapping effect. Because I can't explain the problem myself- I tried the same with only one AudioSource. So I have this script:

 public class audioOverlap:MonoBehaviour
    private AudioSource sct;
    public AudioClip clp;
    void Start(){
       sct=new AudioSource(); 

Because of the NullReferenceException- I tried figuring out why.

    void Start(){
       sct=new AudioSource(); 
       if(sct==null){Debug.Log("AudioSourceBug");/*gets executed-wtf???*/}
       if(clp==null){Debug.Log("AudioClipBug");/*gets notexecuted-okay*/}

I know what a NullReferenceException is-please don't mark it as duplicate when the linked question isn't a working solution:

I'm a beginner with Unity, but not with C#.


There are 2 answers


This is perfectly natural C#, but it won't fly:

sct=new AudioSource();

Unity has a component-driven, factory-based architecture. Instead of calling a component constructor, Unity wants you to call AddComponent to attach the component to a specific GameObject:

sct = gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource>();

There are a few reasons for that. First off, Unity needs every Component to be owned by a GameObject. Second, many of Unity's built-in classes are actually shells representing resources that are created and managed by the engine's underlying native code layer.

Babak Gohardani On

have you tried adding the audioSource to another object (like a child object)? maybe the problem is having to audio sources on one object.