I have a problem where I can't spawn the selected object from clients. It works perfectly when the action is performed by the host, but not when a client attempts it. When a client attempts it, I get the following error: "SpawnWithClientAuthority player object is not a player". This is quite confusing as it works perfectly when it's performed by the host.
The code for this particular part is the following:
private void updateAppearance(GameObject newObject)
int newObjectNum = propNames.IndexOf(newObject.name);
activePropIndex = newObjectNum;
newObject = (GameObject)Instantiate(props[newObjectNum], playerCam.gameObject.transform);
newObject.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, getObjectHeight(newObjectNum), 0);
NetworkServer.SpawnWithClientAuthority(newObject, gameObject); <--- This part gives the error
appearance = newObject;
appearance.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, appearance.transform.localPosition.y, 0);
The object to spawn has localAuthority set and has a network transform on it. The object is registered as a spawnable object and it is the instantiated prefab that I am passing to the SpawnWithClientAuthority method. As far as I have read, this should allow the function to work, but unfortunately it doesn't.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
Thanks in advance
Because ONLY SERVER can spawn objects across the network. Wrap your code to [Command] to execute it on server.