I'm getting the following error when trying to run a coded ui test from MTM:
Unit Test Adapter threw exception: Method not found: 'Void Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension.UITestUtilities.AddAssemblyResolveHandler()'..
All I'm looking for is a hint as to why this is happening, my project references look like this:
I'm using Visual Studio 2013 Update 4, The Test Controller and Agent too are 2013 Update 4.
I can queue a build, but when I try and run a test against the build using MTM, I get this error.
EDIT, Also using net 4.5.1.
EDIT 2: Everything runs locally in dev environment when tests are kicked off from Visual Studio. It's once I kick off the tests through MTM -> Controller -> Agent where the problem persists. The exact same message is thrown regardless of the test.
Check if the test run has all the necessary dlls in the test run directory, in the machine where test controller runs check the directory "C:\Users\ username \appdata\Local\VSEQT\QTController\ testrunid \Deployment\"