Unexplained 'Out of memory' error when using fmmod for FM modulation

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I am trying to take an input signal and perform an FM modulation on it in octave.

This gives me an unexplained 'out of memory' error. As far as I know, my input file is not excessively large, so I don't know why I get this error.

See my trial code below (with line numbers):

 1  pkg load communications
 3  [sound1, fs] = audioread( 'sound1.wav' );
 5  fc     = fs / 2;
 6  devreq = 100;
 7  dt     = 1 / fs;
 8  len    = length( sound1 ) * dt;
10  y = fmmod( sound1, fc, fs, devreq );
12  plot( abs( y ) )

The error I am receiving:

error: out of memory or dimension too large for Octave's index type
error: called from
    fmmod at line 32 column 5
    Q2 at line 10 column 2

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