Unexpected child metadata error[CustomObjectTranslation]

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I am trying to retrieve Apex classes or anything from sandbox Org to my local system with VS code then I am getting follwoing error

Unexpected child metadata [\force-app\main\default\objectTranslations\SomeObjectNameHere-en_US\parent_account.fieldTranslation-meta.xml] found for parent type [CustomObjectTranslation]

I started getting this error when I tried to retrieve custom object translation into local system then I tried to retrieve another thing also getting same errors,Can you please help me to resolve this error.


There are 1 answers

Craig Lobo On

I faced a same issue and resolved it recently. The only difference was in my case it was a deploy and and in your case its a retrieve. May be this could solve your issue

The xxx.objectTransalation-meta.xml file was not present due to which it was throwing an error. Create a file give the exact name(Transalation Object Name) to it. This should resolve the error

Please refer to below snapshot
