Hi i'm currently doing a binary bomb and am wondering if I am understanding some stuff correctly. I have this;
0x00000000004011d4 <+0>: sub $0x8,%rsp
0x00000000004011d8 <+4>: cmpb $0x59,(%rdi)
0x00000000004011db <+7>: jne 0x4011fd <phase_1+41>
0x00000000004011dd <+9>: cmpb $0x46,0x2(%rdi)
0x00000000004011e1 <+13>: jne 0x4011fd <phase_1+41>
0x00000000004011e3 <+15>: cmpb $0x68,0x1(%rdi)
0x00000000004011e7 <+19>: je 0x40120b <phase_1+55>
0x00000000004011e9 <+21>: movsbl 0x10(%rdi),%ecx
0x00000000004011ed <+25>: movsbl 0x5(%rdi),%edx
0x00000000004011f1 <+29>: add $0xb,%edx
0x00000000004011f4 <+32>: mov $0x1,%eax
0x00000000004011f9 <+37>: cmp %edx,%ecx
0x00000000004011fb <+39>: je 0x401210 <phase_1+60>
0x00000000004011fd <+41>: callq 0x401b20 <bomb_activation>
0x0000000000401202 <+46>: mov $0xffffffffffffffff,%rax
0x0000000000401209 <+53>: jmp 0x401210 <phase_1+60>
0x000000000040120b <+55>: mov $0x0,%eax
0x0000000000401210 <+60>: add $0x8,%rsp
0x0000000000401214 <+64>: retq
and so far I have translated it to this;
if(arr[0] != 'Y'){
if(arr[2] != 'F'){
if(arr[1] == 'h'){
int a = arr[10];
int b = arr[5];
b += 11;
status = 1;
if(t1 != t2){
return status;
As you can probably tell i'm really confused on how exactly to read these lines, I see it as moving the 10th element of the array into the ecx registry and filling the rest of the registry with 0s and the same logic to edx, however i'm not too sure how to determine what the value of arr[5] or arr[10] is just from this.
0x00000000004011e9 <+21>: movsbl 0x10(%rdi),%ecx
0x00000000004011ed <+25>: movsbl 0x5(%rdi),%edx
0x00000000004011f1 <+29>: add $0xb,%edx
0x00000000004011f4 <+32>: mov $0x1,%eax
0x00000000004011f9 <+37>: cmp %edx,%ecx
and more specifically how I am meant to determine the size of the array, maybe I am not understanding it at all though, any help would be great thanks.