Understanding and updating the gun user alias system

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On the gun alias system:

Is it like a phone book (public key book) where every user could have a different name for each key?

Is it stored in a user's user space, or is there some kind of local dict, or is it more of a global/universe thing?

There seems to be two ways to initialise a user:

1: via an alias and password, e.g.

let eve = gun.user().auth('Eve' ,'password123')

How do you recover the public key for eve?

Here's what I have but is seems like there'd be a better way:

let userObj
let eve= gun.user().auth('Eve' ,'password456',(u)=>{userObj = u})
let evePub = userObj.put.pub // or eve._.put.pub

2: via SEA pair, e.g.

let bob = await SEA.pair();
await gun.user().auth(bob) 

How do you set an alias for bob?

Perhaps I have to set SEA.name or something to do with ~@ in the user space, but I'm not sure..


There are 1 answers

Lee On
  1. To get the public key for user eve use the call back function:
    let pub =  await new Promise (res => user.auth('Eve' ,'password123',ack => 
        if (!ack.err) {
        else {
  1. The alias is set in the ~@<alias> property of the ~publicKeyOfUser node, like this:
    let link = {};
    let alias = 'bob'
    link['~'+bob.pub] = {'#': '~'+bob.pub};