I am using DBFlow with SQLCipher. I am trying to encrypt the already existing SQLite Database(using DBFlow) with SQLCipher in Android.
I used the following code to encrypt the DB:
private void encryptDB() {
String password = "test123";
String LEGACY_DATABASE_NAME = "legacy.db";
String NEW_DATABASE_NAME = "new_crypt.db";
File newDBFile = getDatabasePath(NEW_DATABASE_NAME);
File legacyFile = getDatabasePath(LEGACY_DATABASE_NAME);
if (!newDBFile.exists() && legacyFile.exists()) {
SQLiteDatabase db = SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(legacyFile, "", null);
db.rawExecSQL(String.format("ATTACH DATABASE '%s' AS encrypted KEY '%s';", newDBFile.getAbsolutePath(), password));
db.rawExecSQL("SELECT sqlcipher_export('encrypted')");
db.rawExecSQL("DETACH DATABASE encrypted;");
db = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(newDBFile.getAbsolutePath(), password, null, SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE);
The DB is encrypted fine but when I am trying to write any operations:
Place place = new Place();
DB Model:
@Table(database = DatabaseManager.class)
public class Place extends BaseModel {
String name;
// set and get methods goes here
then getting the following exception:
io.reactivex.exceptions.UndeliverableException: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteReadOnlyDatabaseException: attempt to write a readonly database (code 1032 SQLITE_READONLY_DBMOVED[1032])
I found a similar post here but not found any solution to it.
Also, I found this to encrypt the DBFlow database with SQLCipher and implemented it. Then it is working if I install it as a fresh app but when I install this app on top of the old app which is having not encrypted DB then it is failing.
net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteException: file is not a database: , while compiling: select count(*) from sqlite_master;
Please suggest how can I fix this?