Uncaught Error: This Firebase project requires import into Google Cloud Platform to resume service

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Getting this Uncaught Error: This Firebase project requires import into Google Cloud Platform to resume service. When I am trying to conference video call through Webrtc.

I got this url- https://firebase.google.com/support/guides/firebase-web#import_your_project_to_the_firebase_console

but I don't want to upload my project on cloud.


There are 1 answers

Nitesh S Chauhan On

I got the solution. Go to this url https://console.firebase.google.com/ and login as gmail account. Click on "Add Project" You will get page like this See this image

After that you'll get your created project like this See this image

Now click on project.You'll redirect to firebase project overview page.Click on "Add Firebase to your web app". See this image

You'll get this code

apiKey: "******************************", authDomain: "****-****", databaseURL: "****-****", projectId: "****-****", storageBucket: "****-*****", messagingSenderId: "************"

See this image

Copy databaseURL and replace with your webrtc code where firebase url or code is define.

You may get like this in webrtc code

openSocket: function(config) { var channel = config.channel || location.href.replace( //|:|#|%|.|[|]/g , ''); var socket = new Firebase('####-####' + channel); socket.channel = channel; socket.on("child_added", function(data) { config.onmessage && config.onmessage(data.val()); }); socket.send = function(data) { this.push(data); }; config.onopen && setTimeout(config.onopen, 1); socket.onDisconnect().remove(); return socket; }

var socket = new Firebase('####-#####' + channel);


var socket = new Firebase('****databaseURL****' + channel);

Please Remove **** in ''

Now Click on Database option which is placed in left side and select "Realtime Database"

See this image

Now Click on "Rules" Tab and change the "Read Write" value.Both value should "true". See this image

Now Check your webrtc consultation.This will run without firebase error.