i am trying to use grunt-ssh to automate deployment of server from my macbook pro. So what i am trying to do with this task is to pull from my private bitbucket depository.
Deployment is looks okay once i do grunt deploy
on bash but nothing gets pulled in server
This is my gruntfile: module.exports = function(grunt) { grunt.initConfig({ sshconfig: { notify: { host: 'mydomain.com', port: 22, username: 'root', agent: process.env.SSH_AUTH_SOCK } }, sshexec: { deploy: { command: [ 'cd notify', 'git pull origin master', 'npm install', ].join(' && '), options: { config: 'notify' } } } });
// Load the plugin that provides "sshevexc" task
// Register new task, deploy
grunt.registerTask('deploy', ['sshexec:deploy'], function(err){
return false;
grunt.log.write('Done deploying!').ok();
Try adding in your sshconfig:
agentForward: true