I am trying to take data from DB and put in a Map and trying to store that map in hazelcast cache server.But its giving error
com.hazelcast.nio.serialization.HazelcastSerializationException: Failed to serialize 'java.util.TreeMap'.
Below is my code.
Map<Integer, List> cacheMap;
cacheMap = (Map<Integer, List>) hazelCastCache.getDataFromCache("CdnToIpConfig", key);
if(cacheMap == null)
LOGGER.info("Cache memory is not allocated");
cacheMap = newTreeMap<>();
cdnIpResDto = configurationService.getCdnIpConfig(pageNo,sortBy,sortingOrder);
responseDataRange = cdnIpResDto.getDtoList();
int lastIndexTracker =0;
for (int i = 1; i <= responseDataRange.size(); i++) {
if (i % 10 == 0) {
finalData = responseDataRange.subList(i - 10, i);
cacheMap.put(pageNo, finalData);
System.out.println(cacheMap);// I can see contents of cacheMap
lastIndexTracker = i;
hazelCastCache.addDataToCache("CdnToIpConfig", key, cacheMap);
System.out.println("Data added in Hazelcast"); // This line is not getting executed.
Since last line print statement is not getting executed which means TreeMap is not getting added in cache.Any help Please??
The problem that i was facing was In the code above i am taking a sublist which doesnt implements Serializable.So i wrapped the sublist inside a ArrayList and issue was resolved.Here is the modified code:--