Related to this post, but I do not have enough reputation to post a comment there.

The problem: SQL Workbench J fails to use Java on my machine.

Steps I took:

  1. Installed SQLWorkbenchJ with brew install --cask sqlworkbenchj
  2. Tried to launch SQL Workbench J, but was not a trusted app
  3. Went to system preferences -> Security & Privacy -> General then opted to launch SQL Workbench J
  4. Tried again to launch SQL Workbench J, but got error unable to load Java Runtime environment.
  5. Followed instructions in link above. Explicitly:
  • Opened Applications/ in a text editor
  • Added this code to the file, just before the <key>JVMArguments</key> code:
  • Saved the file
  • Created a simlink by running in a terminal: ln -s /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/temurin-18.jdk /Applications/
  1. Tried again to launch SQL Workbench J, but still got error unable to load Java Runtime environment.

I also tried using sapmachine-jdk-11.0.11.jdk in the Info.plist file and the symlink, but also hit the error.

I have not tried other jdks, and am open to try, if given some instructions on which to use and how. :)

Expected result: SQLWorkbenchJ should launch without these java runtime errors


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