Unable to run insert stmt on object SQLErrorCode: 0

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I have model with many datafields which are identical with name in database.

I recive a Json, then mapping it to the Model (Succeful - ive checked in debug and model is not null and have the atributes) and then I want to create a record with it using modelDAO.create(model), but I got a message

Unable to run insert stmt on object

com.example.k: INSERT INTO museum (id ,url ,museum_name ,museum_x ,museum_y ,phone_number ,email ,short_name ,qr_code ,created_at ,updated_at ,active ,opening_hours ,description_short ,description ,app_url ,deleted ,source_id ,language ,museum_group ,creator_id ,address ,country ,city ,state ,zip ,street ,amenities ,parent_id ,published ,meta_id ,logo ,subscription_id ,category_id ,stripe_token ,slug ,distance ,creation_date ,update_date ,group ,exhibitions ,museum_amenities ) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)

The error code is 0, and i double checked if the field and types are the same.


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