Unable to retrieve dynamic control generated from db - POST values (Model Binding)

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I have been developing an ASP.NET MVC page where I need to bring the controls from database, so in database I have created our control details like name, value, id.

The one way GET path is done, now in POST I find amazing that I am not able to get the IEnumerable<MyControls> with the help of model binder, hope it would be nice learning for me If someone tell me whats wrong or some thing architecturally I am missing out pls help me with my piece of this work.


public class QuestionaireControlMasterModel
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public int Questiono { get; set; }
    public string Question { get; set; }
    public string ControlType { get; set; }
    public string ControlDescription { get; set; }
    public string ControlName { get; set; }

    // My question from Question table   //
    public string ControlLabel { get; set; }
    public string ControlId { get; set; }
    public string ControlValue { get; set; }
    public string IsChecked { get; set; }

    // for ddl list//
    public List<string> ddlhtmllistppt { get; set; }


public class ControlViewModel
    public IEnumerable<QuestionaireControlMasterModel> ListofControls { get; set; }


create table ControlMaster
    ControlType int identity primary key,
    ControlDescription nvarchar(500)

create table Questionaire
    Questiono int identity(1,1) primary key,
    Question nvarchar(500),

create table QuestionaireControlMaster
    Id int identity (1,1) primary key,
    Questiono int
        Constraint fk_QuestionaireControlMaster_Questiono 
             references Questionaire(Questiono),
    ControlType int 
        Constraint fk_QuestionaireControlMaster_ControlType 
             references ControlMaster(ControlType),

    // Control Name I use in View //
    ControlName1 nvarchar(500),

    // Control Id I use in View //
    ControlId1 nvarchar(500),

    IsChecked1 nvarchar(500),

create table ValueMaster
    ValueID int identity(1,1) primary key,
    ControlValue nvarchar(500),
    Id int
        Constraint fk_ValueMaster_Id 
            references QuestionaireControlMaster(Id),


     public ActionResult Index()

                // View Model Object//
                ControlViewModel controlviewmodel = new ControlViewModel();

                using (var db = new OfficialEntities())
                    // Retrieval of data from QuestionMaster table

                    var retrievedlistfromdb = db.QuestionaireControlMasters.ToList();

                    //Creating a list of Questionaire table Model to store the list of controls needed//

                    List<QuestionaireControlMasterModel> listofquestionmodel = new List<QuestionaireControlMasterModel>();

                    // Storing the retrieved list of controls from db to our list in ViewModel //

// Mapping retrieved list from db to my list of controls //

                    foreach (var temp in retrievedlistfromdb)

                        QuestionaireControlMasterModel questionaireControlMasterModel = new QuestionaireControlMasterModel();
                        List<string> testinglist = new List<string>();
                        questionaireControlMasterModel.ControlType = temp.ControlMaster.ControlDescription;

                        if (questionaireControlMasterModel.ControlType == "checkbox")
                            questionaireControlMasterModel.ControlLabel = temp.Questionaire.Question;
                            questionaireControlMasterModel.ControlId = temp.ControlId1;
                            questionaireControlMasterModel.ControlName = temp.ControlName1;

                            using (var dbconnectovalues = new OfficialEntities())
                                var values = dbconnectovalues.ValueMasters.Where(x => x.Id == temp.Id).ToList();

                                if (values.Count == 1)
                                    foreach (var item in values)

                                        questionaireControlMasterModel.ControlValue = item.ControlValue;

                            questionaireControlMasterModel.IsChecked = temp.IsChecked1;

                            questionaireControlMasterModel.ddlhtmllistppt = testinglist;
    // For Dropdownlist and textbox separate mapping //

                            questionaireControlMasterModel.ControlLabel = temp.Questionaire.Question;
                            questionaireControlMasterModel.ControlId = temp.ControlId1;
                            questionaireControlMasterModel.ControlName = temp.ControlName1;

                            using (var dbconnectovalues = new OfficialEntities())
                                var values = dbconnectovalues.ValueMasters.Where(x => x.Id == temp.Id).ToList();

                                if (values.Count == 1)
                                    foreach (var item in values)

                                        questionaireControlMasterModel.ControlValue = item.ControlValue;

                                if (values.Count > 1)

                                    foreach (var item in values)

                                        string tempvar = item.ControlValue;


                            questionaireControlMasterModel.IsChecked = temp.IsChecked1;
                            questionaireControlMasterModel.ddlhtmllistppt = testinglist;

                        // Attaching my List to the lIst property of the View Model//

                        controlviewmodel.ListofControls = listofquestionmodel;


                    //Passing ViewModel Object which contains the list of controls of Questionaire//
                    return View(controlviewmodel);

// Here is where the Model binder I am not able to understand why I am not able to get the list of QuestionaireMaster model which is a part of the ControlViewModel //

// Pls suggest If  something is architecturally wrong or need to do a work around//

            public ActionResult Index(ControlViewModel sampleobject)

    // sample object is null, even I tried to get List<QuestionaireMasterModel> it was also null   //

    return View();


// Bound to List of Controls //

    @model IEnumerable<CDCPortal.Models.QuestionaireControlMasterModel>


        @foreach (CDCPortal.Models.QuestionaireControlMasterModel DynamicModel in Model)
            switch (DynamicModel.ControlType.ToLower())
                case "textbox":
                            <input type="text" name="@DynamicModel.ControlName" id="@DynamicModel.ControlId" value="@DynamicModel.ControlValue" />


// View bound to Viewmodel //

    @model CDCPortal.Models.ControlViewModel

    @using (Html.BeginForm())
// Using the Partial View here to render up controls//

            @Html.Partial("_ControlPartial", Model.ListofControls)
            <input type="submit" name="SubmitButton" value="Submit" />


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