Unable to push a docker image to the docker hub

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This is the image I'm trying to push to the docker hub

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
smiduthu/has_test   latest              2e0d0ba5412a        27 minutes ago      765.4 MB

I'm doing docker push smiduthu/has_test.

The following error is occured while I try to push the image

The push refers to a repository [smiduthu/has_test] (len: 1)
2e0d0ba5412a: Image push failed
FATA[0002] Error pushing to registry: token auth attempt for registry https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: https://auth.docker.io/
=repository%3Asmiduthu%2Fhas_test%3Apull%2Cpush&service=registry.docker.io request failed with status: 401 Unauthorized

What is the problem ?


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