in react component, I want to show toast message from @fluentui/react-components. Below is a simplified version of the code.
import {
} from '@fluentui/react-components';
const { dispatchToast } = useToastController();
<ToastTitle>Failed to get Departments</ToastTitle>
{ intent: 'error' },
<Toaster toasterId={toasterId} data-testid="toaster" />
I want to mock "dispatchToast", so I want to sure if the method is called or not. I tried with
const mockedfn = jest.fn();
jest.mock('@fluentui/react-components', () => ({
useToastController: () => ({
dispatchToast: mockedfn,
also try with
jest.spyOn(useToastController, 'dismissToast');
.mockImplementation(() => mockedfn);
But every time, the mocked function failed to create or the mocked function never called. From documention I found that the type structure of the useToastController hook is same as below
export declare function useToastController(toasterId?: ToasterId): {
dispatchToast: (content: React_2.ReactNode, options?: DispatchToastOptions) => void;
dismissToast: (toastId: ToastId) => void;
dismissAllToasts: () => void;
updateToast: (options: UpdateToastOptions) => void;
pauseToast: (toastId: ToastId) => void;
playToast: (toastId: ToastId) => void;