I am trying to integrate r code in java and want to use c++ code in r code, but i am getting the following error.
"org.renjin.eval.EvalException: Could not resolve native method 'sourceCppContext' in package 'Rcpp'"
while running my java code.
My Java Code piece:
r.eval(String.format("source(\"" + appdir + "/config/MyRscript.R\")"));
String rS = ((SEXP)r.eval("test("+i+")")).toString();
R code :
test <- function(a) {
x <<- timesTwo(a)
C++ code :
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
int timesTwo(int x) {
return x * 2;
Renjin doesn't, and probably can't reasonably support sourceCpp(). You need to either move your C++ code to package where it can be compiled to JVM bytecode at build time, or rewrite in R or Java.