Unable to install new relic on Ubuntu with Jetty server

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I have downloaded newrelic.zip and unzipped into my server root folder which is


how I am running jetty server:

mvn jetty:run

I have already set javaagent as:


new relic installation:

cd /myServer-war/newrelic
java -jar newrelic.jar install 

I am getting this error

***** ( ( o))  New Relic Java Agent Installer

***** Installing version 3.34.0 ...

* Could not edit start script because:
Could not locate a Tomcat, Jetty, JBoss, JBoss7 or Glassfish instance in /myServer-war

* Try re-running the install command with the -s <AppServerRootDirectory> option or from <AppServerRootDirectory>/newrelic.
If that doesn't work, locate and edit the start script manually.

* No need to create New Relic configuration file because:
A config file already exists: /myServer-war/newrelic/newrelic.yml

***** Install incomplete

How can I resolve this error?


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