First of all I love Anaconda. I have some issues with Virtual Environments. I will give all information so i hope somebody can help me!
Operation System: Windows 11 Conda BASE Python Version: 3.10.13 I had installed Anaconda in the past so i did NOT use below commands to update it.
X conda update conda (Not used)
X Zconda update anaconda (Not used)
I used conda install anaconda=2023.09 to update it.
First of all i install Jupyter (conda install -c anaconda jupyter) with out a problem! But after that, if i try to install Kivy (conda install -c conda-forge kivy) I get some errors!
How can i fix this problem? Each time when i want to install different libraries to one ENV, it always stuck in loading and give some this kind errors.
Warning: 2 possible package resolutions (only showing differing packages):
- anaconda/win-64::openssl-3.0.11-h2bbff1b_2
- defaults/win-64::openssl-3.0.11-h2bbff1bdone
Too Strange That If i create two different Environments so i can install Jupyter to one of them and i can install Kivy to other one without a problem!
I tried to create 3.9 Python Env but nothing changed! Same errors!
Thanks very much.
I solved the problem.
Kivy library packages conflict with Jupyter library. So I created two virtual environments. I just installed Jupyter on one of them. And I installed Scrapy and Kivy to the other virtual environment. The problem was fixed.