I have set up a simple Container App Job that is meant to trigger when there are items present in a Redis cache queue. The Redis cache is in Azure as well. I was having issues getting the proper KEDA configuration to get the job to connect to the Redis instance, but the configuration below eliminated my connection errors. However, I cannot seem to get the job to trigger even though I have placed items into the queue.
Here is the Bicep for my job:
param location string = resourceGroup().location
param containerAppsEnvironmentName string
param containerAppJobName string
param imageName string
param environmentVariables array
param containerRegistryName string
param containerRegistryConfiguration object
param cpuCores string
param memory string
param redisCacheName string
param containerRegistryPasswordSecret object
param databasePasswordSecret object
param redisKeySecret object
param railsMasterKeySecret object
resource containerAppsEnvironment 'Microsoft.App/managedEnvironments@2022-11-01-preview' existing = {
name: containerAppsEnvironmentName
scope: resourceGroup()
var containerAppsEnvironmentId = containerAppsEnvironment.id
resource redis 'Microsoft.Cache/redis@2023-08-01' existing = {
name: redisCacheName
scope: resourceGroup()
var redisAddress = '${redis.properties.hostName}:${redis.properties.sslPort}'
resource containerAppImporterJob 'Microsoft.App/jobs@2023-05-02-preview' = {
location: location
name: containerAppJobName
properties: {
environmentId: containerAppsEnvironmentId
configuration: {
replicaTimeout: 120
secrets: [containerRegistryPasswordSecret, databasePasswordSecret, redisKeySecret, railsMasterKeySecret]
triggerType: 'Event'
eventTriggerConfig: {
scale: {
minExecutions: 0
maxExecutions: 10
rules: [
name: 'redis-importer-queue-rule'
type: 'redis'
auth: [
secretRef: 'redis-key'
triggerParameter: 'password'
metadata: any(
address: redisAddress
password: 'redis-key'
listName: 'imports'
listLength: '1'
activationListLength: '1'
enableTLS: 'true'
unsafeSsl: 'false'
registries: [
template: {
containers: [
image: '${containerRegistryName}.azurecr.io/${imageName}:latest'
command: [
env: environmentVariables
name: imageName
resources: {
cpu: cpuCores
memory: memory
I can confirm that there is exactly 1 item in the imports
queue (using the Azure Cache extension in VS Code):
The logs for the job simply say "Scaler redis is built" but nothing else.
Any thoughts? Has anyone successfully trigger a job from a generic KEDA configuration like this?
If you want to a job to be triggered when there is at least one message in the queue, you need to set the
.See explanation here:
In your case if the number of messages in the queue is <=1, the ScaledObject is not
and it’ll scale to 0 if it’s allowed (whenminExecutions: 0
).This template worked for me (container registry is not configured with managed identity/RBAC for simplicity):
Connecting to the redis console, I was able to push a message:
The scaler started scaling a nerw instance:
From the container app env log stream, i was able to see the scaler in action:![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/DFFV6.png)
And see the executed jobs as well:![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/p4pA4.png)