I'm having trouble using the serialization process for serverpod. Here's the repo if you'd like to take a look: https://github.com/fhir-fli/fhirpod. All of my classes are freezed, and I've adjusted all of the fromJson to include the serializationManagers. That has no errors. When I try to generate code, if I remove json_serializable from the pubspec and all of the part 'file.g.dart'; code, then it generates fine. However, it doesn't generate the toJson() files that are required.
However, when I do include the json_serializable to generate the toJson() methods, I get this error message:
[SEVERE] json_serializable on lib/r4/resource_types/financial/general/general.dart:
Expecting a `fromJson` constructor with exactly one positional parameter. The only extra parameters allowed are functions of the form `T Function(Object?) fromJsonT` where `T` is a type parameter of the target type.
I'm using serverpod_serialization: ^1.1.0.
Just hoping someone else had a similar experience and had found a solution.
This is only a partial answer (and kind of hacky), so anyone else please feel free to add on. Ensure that you have
in yourpubspec.yaml
file and imported into any files where you want to serialize things.Run
flutter pub run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs
. Again, this is only a partial answer because you can't run this after the fix. Then, do a search and replace on all files you want to generate for serverpod. I did something like, search for:and replace it with:
At this point, in your server directory, import this package. Then, in the
file, be sure to add any classes under extraClasses:You can now run
serverpod generate
and it will generate server-side code, but only as a SerializedEntity, not as a TableRow.