I am writing a unit test for an API that I am developing. The API is written in the Codeigniter framework, that calls another API using Guzzle. The test I am writing verifies that the API call returns the correct response.
The Test.php file contains the following code
require '/application/libraries/apiWrappers/Breathehr.php';
class BreathehrTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
public function testCanReturnEmployeeArray() {
$breatheHR = new Breathehr();
$employees = $breatheHR->list_employees(1);
$this->assertArrayHasKey('employees', $employees);
The method that is being tested is as follows
class Breathehr {
function __construct() {
public function list_employees($page)
$client = new GuzzleHttp\Client(
['base_uri' => 'https://xxx/',
'headers' => ['X-API-KEY' => 'xxx'],
'verify' => false]
$request = $client->get('employees?page='.$page);
$employees = json_decode($request->getBody(true));
$employeeData = array(
'employees' => array(),
'pagination' => array()
$i = 0;
foreach($employees->employees as $employee) {
if($employee->status !== 'Ex-employee') {
$employeeData['employees'][$i]['firstName'] = $employee->first_name;
$employeeData['employees'][$i]['lastName'] = $employee->last_name;
$employeeData['employees'][$i]['jobTitle'] = $employee->job_title;
if(isset($employee->line_manager)) {
$employeeData['employees'][$i]['lineManagerName'] = $employee->line_manager->first_name . ' '. $employee->line_manager->last_name;
$employeeData['employees'][$i]['lineManagerID'] = $employee->line_manager->id;
$employeeData['employees'][$i]['workingHours'] = $employee->full_or_part_time;
$employeeData['employees'][$i]['email'] = $employee->email;
$employeeData['employees'][$i]['workPhone'] = $employee->ddi;
$employeeData['employees'][$i]['personalMobile'] = $employee->personal_mobile;
$employeeData['employees'][$i]['homeTelephone'] = $employee->home_telephone;
$employeeData['employees'][$i]['birthday'] = $employee->dob;
$nextLink = $request->getHeader('Link');
$nextLinkSplit = explode(',', $nextLink[0]);
$pageination = array();
foreach($nextLinkSplit as $data) {
$split = explode(';', $data);
preg_match('/"(.*?)"/', $split[1], $keyMatch);
$key = isset($keyMatch[1]) ? $keyMatch[1] : FALSE;
$number = substr($split[0], -2, 1);
$pageination[$key] = $number;
array_push($employeeData['pagination'], $pageination);
return $employeeData;
The API call works correctly via Postman and from a browser, but the result of running PHPUnit from the command line is the following
RuntimeException: Error creating resource: [message] fopen(): Unable to find the wrapper "https" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?
[message] fopen(https://api.breathehr.com/v1/employees?page=1): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
I have googled the error message and came across this SO post Unable to find the wrapper "https" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?
Making these changes has made no difference. It's worth noting this is on localhost, running MAMP.
Any ideas?
Sometime the CLI use a different
than Apache, so your settings made through the WAMP menu don't apply to CLI.Check if the correct extension are loaded launching the
In the same manner you can locate the php.ini script:
hope this help