Unable to deploy Hyperledger Java chaincode via Github

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Following the intrustction at https://hyperledger-fabric.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Setup/JAVAChaincode/, I was able to deploy a Hyperledger Java chaincode locally, that is:

  1. Set up a validating peer
  2. Write and build a Java chaincode locally, say in a directory X (which contains a build.gradle file)
  3. Deploy successfully using peer chaincode deploy -l java -p full_path_to_X -c ...

But whenever I upload the chaincode directory to Github, and try this address during deploy: peer chaincode deploy -l java -p https://github.com/user/X, I got the error:

"Erro getting chaincode package bytes. Error cloning git repository exit status 128"

It is not a problem with Git repository, for in it there is a Go chaincode, and I can deploy that Go chaincode successfully this way.

Would it be a problem with the Java container image used in Hyperledger has not had a feature to fetch a remote chaincode from Git?


There are 1 answers

pytpriscila On

I don't know what happen, but I only could deploy the contract thought the REST:

Resquest - POST

{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "deploy", "params": { "type": 4, "chaincodeID": { "path": "/opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/examples/chaincode/java/SimpleSample" }, "ctorMsg": { "function": "init", "args": [ "a", "100", "b", "200" ] }, "secureContext": "jim" }, "id": 1 }

