I am getting the following error while creating a recovery vault using ARM.
"message":"At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see https://aka.ms/DeployOperations for usage details.",
"message":"{\r\n \"error\":
{\r\n \"code\": \"BadRequest\",\r\n \"message\": \"An invalid parameter MigrationSolutionId and VMwareToAzureProviderType was passed.\",\r\n \"detaiecovery vault.
At least one server needs to be registered to perform this operation.\",
\r\n \"possibleCauses\": \"The operation failed due to an internal error.\",\r\n \"recommendedAction\": \"Fix the issue and Retry the last action.
If the issue persists, contact Support.\",\r\n \"clientRequestId\": \"83e60574-b6e1-4834-aa45-b0d237b05c1e\",\r\n \"activityId\": \"530f1c71-fa5a-4f4d-b7b2-639896eeadf4\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n}"}]}}
Initially, I created a recovery vault using the Azure portal. Then I changed some properties in the"`back up policies" tab. I downloaded the ARM template format from the portal and tried to create a recovery vault in a different Resource group using that ARM. I got the above issue, and I am not getting much help from the internet. Please help
Microsoft. recovery services vaults
are created in your template. and here is the Sample template that creates Vaults using ARM.