Unable to connect to Postgres DB due to the authentication type 10 is not supported

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I have recently tried my hands on Postgres. Installed it on local (PostgreSQL 13.0). Created a maven project and used Spring Data JPA, works just fine. Whereas when I tried using Gradle project, I am not able to connect to the DB and keep getting the following error.

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: The authentication type 10 is not supported. Check that you have configured the pg_hba.conf file to include the client's IP address or subnet, and that it is using an authentication scheme supported by the driver. at org.postgresql.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryImpl.doAuthentication(ConnectionFactoryImpl.java:614) ~[postgresql-42.1.4.jar:42.1.4] at org.postgresql.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryImpl.openConnectionImpl(ConnectionFactoryImpl.java:222) ~[postgresql-42.1.4.jar:42.1.4] at org.postgresql.core.ConnectionFactory.openConnection(ConnectionFactory.java:49) ~[postgresql-42.1.4.jar:42.1.4] at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection.(PgConnection.java:194) ~[postgresql-42.1.4.jar:42.1.4] at org.postgresql.Driver.makeConnection(Driver.java:450) ~[postgresql-42.1.4.jar:42.1.4] at org.postgresql.Driver.connect(Driver.java:252) ~[postgresql-42.1.4.jar:42.1.4] at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source) [na:1.8.0_261] at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source) [na:1.8.0_261] at org.postgresql.ds.common.BaseDataSource.getConnection(BaseDataSource.java:94) [postgresql-42.1.4.jar:42.1.4] at org.postgresql.ds.common.BaseDataSource.getConnection(BaseDataSource.java:79) [postgresql-42.1.4.jar:42.1.4]

I tried using JDBCTemplate as well. Doesn't work

Modified the pg_hba.cfg file referring to this post - Doesn't work

Used the deprecated Lib of - Doesn't Work either.

Please Suggest me a solution for this problem.

My code and Config:

    public class DataSourceConfig {
        public DriverManagerDataSource getDataSource() {
            DriverManagerDataSource dataSourceBuilder = new DriverManagerDataSource();
            return dataSourceBuilder;

public class CustomerOrderJDBCTemplate implements CustomerOrderDao{
    private DataSource dataSource;
    private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplateObject;

    ApplicationContext context;
    public void setDataSource() {
        //Getting Bean by Class
        DriverManagerDataSource dataSource = context.getBean(DriverManagerDataSource.class);
        this.dataSource = dataSource;
        this.jdbcTemplateObject = new JdbcTemplate(this.dataSource);

    public Customer create(Customer customer) {
        String sql = "insert into CustomerOrder (customerType, customerPayment) values (?, ?)";
        //jdbcTemplateObject.update(sql, customerOrder.getCustomerOrderType(), customerOrder.getCustomerOrderPayment());
        KeyHolder holder = new GeneratedKeyHolder();
        jdbcTemplateObject.update(new PreparedStatementCreator() {
            public PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
                PreparedStatement ps = connection.prepareStatement(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
                ps.setString(1, customer.getType());
                ps.setString(2, customer.getPayment());
                return ps;
        }, holder);

        long customerId = holder.getKey().longValue();
        return customer;



    compile(group: 'org.postgresql', name: 'postgresql', version: '42.1.4')

password_encryption is set like this:

postgres=# show password_encryption;
(1 row)

There are 21 answers


I solved a similar issue by applying the steps below in PostgreSQL Version 13:

  1. Change password_encryption to md5 in postgresql.conf
Windows: C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13\data\postgresql.conf
GNU/Linux:           /etc/postgresql/13/main/postgresql.conf

enter image description here

  1. Change scram-sha-256 to md5 in pg_hba.conf
Windows: C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13\data\pg_hba.conf
GNU/Linux:           /etc/postgresql/13/main/pg_hba.conf
host    all             all                  md5

enter image description here

  1. Change Password ( this restore password in md5 format).

    Example: ALTER ROLE postgres WITH PASSWORD 'root';

  2. Make sure you set listen_addresses = '*' in postgresql.conf if you are working non production environment.

Laurenz Albe On

By setting password_encryption to scram-sha-256 (which is the default value in v13) you also get scram-sha-256 authentication, even if you have md5 in pg_hba.conf.

Now you are using an old JDBC driver version on the client side that does not support that authentication method, even though PostgreSQL introduced it in v10, three years ago.

You should upgrade your JDBC driver. An alternative would be to set password_encryption back to md5, but then you'll have to reset all passwords and live with lower security.

Tushar Banne On

I guess the solution to this problem is using version 9.6. It works just fine after changing the version.

M.Vanderlee On

For AWS QuickSights, you can create a user using the old md5 encryption by providing a pre-encrypted string as password.

To generate a md5 hash for PostgreSQL concatenate the password with the username, get the hash, then prefix it with md5. Here is a oneliner:

echo -n 'mypasswordUSER' | md5sum | awk '{print "md5"$1}'

If the presented password string is already in MD5-encrypted or SCRAM-encrypted format, then it is stored as-is regardless of password_encryption

For an MD5 encrypted password, rolpassword column will begin with the string md5 followed by a 32-character hexadecimal MD5 hash. The MD5 hash will be of the user's password concatenated to their user name. For example, if user joe has password xyzzy, PostgreSQL will store the md5 hash of xyzzyjoe.

Neethu Sanoop On

Use latest maven dependency for Postgres in pom.xml

Kannan Ramamoorthy On

For me, updating the postgres library helped fixing this.

Himanshu mishra On

working fine with version 12.6 ... just downgrade the PostgreSQL

Tadele Ayelegn On

You might need to check the version of Postgres you are running. Migh need to update spring version if the version is being pointed through spring parent. In my case: since current postgres is at v13. Modified spring parent version: it was on 1.4; made it to match to 2.14. Finally update maven dependency and re-run the application.This fixed the issue.

Bukhari Syed On

Get your pg_hba.conf File in the Directory C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13\data\pg_hba.conf

And Simply Change scram-sha-256 under Column Method to trust.

enter image description here

It worked For me!

Ivan Talalaev On

In case you are struggling to get this working in Docker:

  1. Firstly: run the container with -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=md5 (doc)
docker run -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=md5 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=doesntmatter -p 5432:5432 --name CONTAINERNAME -d postgres
  1. Secondly: allow md5 encryption as discussed in other answers:
docker exec -ti -u postgres CONTAINERNAME bash -c "echo 'password_encryption=md5' >> /var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf"
  1. Thirdly: restart the container
docker restart CONTAINER NAME
  1. Fourthly: you need to recreate the postgres password in md5 format
docker exec -ti -u postgres CONTAINERNAME psql

alter role postgres with password 'THE-NEW-PASSWORD';

* please be aware scram-sha-256 is much better than md5 (doc)

Anu On

Changing trust for ipv4 local connect worked for me.


Get your pg_hba.conf File in the Directory C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\13\data\pg_hba.conf

And Simply Change scram-sha-256 under Column Method to trust.

MikeR On


  1. Current JDBC driver will help (e.g. postgresql-42.3.6.jar)

  2. Copy it to the /jars folder under your spark install directory (I'm assuming a single machine here in this example)

  3. Python - install "findspark" to make pyspark importable as a regular library

  4. Here is an example I hope will help someone:

    import findspark
    from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
    sparkClassPath = "C:/spark/spark-3.0.3-bin-hadoop2.7/jars"
    spark = SparkSession \
        .builder \
        .config("spark.driver.extraClassPath", sparkClassPath) \
    df = spark.read \
        .format("jdbc") \
        .option("url", "jdbc:postgresql://{YourHostName}:5432/{YourDBName}") \
        .option("driver", "org.postgresql.Driver") \
        .option("dbtable", "{YourTableName}") \
        .option("user", "{YourUserName") \
        .option("password", "{YourSketchyPassword") \
  5. Install pgadmin if you have not already done so.
    Try it via Docker

Subhasis Mahata On

Change METHOD to "trust" in pg_hba.conf

lemario On

Updated both postgis-jbdc and postgresql:

implementation 'net.postgis:postgis-jdbc:2.5.0'
runtimeOnly 'org.postgresql:postgresql:42.6.0'
Fabio Abreu On

Even after changing pg_hba.conf to MD5 on everything it didn't work. What worked was doing this:

show password_encryption;

If it shows up as being scram-sha-256 do this:

set password_encryption = 'md5';

Restart server, this solved my issue

Meet On
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>





you have to check your maven dependency if you are using postgresql 9.1+ then your dependency should be like above

to know about maven dependency refer this link How do you add PostgreSQL Driver as a dependency in Maven?

noamyg On

According to the wiki, the supported JDBC driver for SCRAM-SHA-256 encryption is 42.2.0 or above. In my case, the driver was 41.1.1. Change it to 42.2.0 or above. That fixed it for me.

(Maven, pom.xml):

Obakeng Balatseng On

Open pg_hba.conf Set IPv4 local connections to trust

dede On

In my case, after changing configuration and restarting the server, I also needed to reload the configuration. Easiest done in pgAdmin:

  1. Right click on the server
  2. Click on Reload Configuration

enter image description here

AbdullahSahin On

You need to download postgresql..jar and then move it into .../jre/lib/ext/ folder. It worked for me

sai ramana On

use these :

  1. wget https://jdbc.postgresql.org/download/postgresql-42.2.24.jar

Copy it to your hive library

  1. sudo mv postgresql-42.2.24.jar /opt/hive/lib/postgresql-42.2.24.jar