Unable to connect Pod using minikube IP and NodePort

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I have to communicate with the same POD in minikube using the minikubeip and nodeport.

Operating System : Ubuntu 18.0 5 Minikube Version : v1.13.1

Problem here is: when ever i try to connect to the same pod by using the Minikube ip and the nodeport assigned i get an socket exception .

Explanation of the problem

This image show that the pod is up and running pod is up and running

This image shows that the service for the respective pod is up and some of the ports for that pod are exposed using the node port Service for the above pod is up and respective port numbers are assigned

This image shows the ip of the minikube Minikube ip

Here the main issue starts . Here i have logged into the pod using the kubectl exec command and try runnig the nmap command it shows that all the ports are opened but for the port number 31900 it shows the state as filtered . As the state of the port is filtered i m not able to communicate to the same pod using the node port assigned to the pod .

Same goes with the telnet whenever i do telnet to the minikube ip and port number 31900 it is not able to connect it just says trying telnet

when i run the complete application it says socket exception as it is not able to connect to the minikube ip and port number assigned .

Thanks for your help


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