I have a table stored as a string in a JSON data in localstorage. I want to compare one of fields stored here to a separate javascript variable.
Here is what I have tried:
var goalsStr = localStorage.getItem("goals");
var goalsObj = JSON.parse(goalsStr);
for (i=0; i<goalsObj.goals.length; i++) {
if (goal==goalsObj.goals[i].goal) {
But it is not working. After some trouble shooting, I think that the problem is in comparing (goal == goalsObj.goals[i].goal)
And this is the value that was actually stored inside "goals" in localStorage:
var data = '{"goals": [{"goal":"'+goal+'","duedate":"'+date2+'","noofdays":"'+diff+'","active":"'+active+'"}]}';
It is an array of objects stored within.
All these 'diff', 'duedate' are HTML form data taken from users.
What's wrong? What should I do?
Data appears to already be valid JSON. Why are you stringifying it? I think you want to do just
and then when you pull that value back out, convert it to a JavaScript object via