I know the 'unable to bind msg' has been asked before but I think in my case is different...
When my application is running on debug mode I get some warnigs I'm not sure how I can solve...
[trace] warning: unable to bind to property 'nonCreditRelevantLabel' on class 'com.company.model::Counterparty'
public class Counterparty extends CounterpartyBase {
public function get nonCreditRelevantLabel():String {
return nonCreditRelevant == '1' ? 'Yes' : 'No';
I understand that this is a getter, but there is no field as such. It contains some logic for the nonCreditRelevant field which is in CounterpartyBase and also exists in com.company.model.Counterparty on the java side.
I have this in a couple of places, is there a workaround for this?
Binding read-only accessors in Flex http://www.rubenswieringa.com/blog/binding-read-only-accessors-in-flex