Unable to add sysdig plugin in grafana dashboard

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I have installed grafana in kubernetes cluster and i am trying to add sysdig datasource. But,it shows sysdig plugin not found, i tried setting up grafana with sysdig plugin using below command:

docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name grafana sysdiglabs/grafana:latest

But, i am unable to open grafana dashboard in browser using :


I also installed grafana in kubernetes cluster as below:

kubectl get services -n monitoring                                   
NAME                 TYPE       CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)          AGE
grafana              NodePort   3000:32001/TCP   96m
prometheus-service   NodePort     <none>         8080:30000/TCP   6d21h

I used sysdiglabs/grafana:latest image in above but still unable to find the sysdig plugin in grafana datasource.

In local laptop setup of grafana works and shows sysdig plugin , but i want to use grafana installed in cluster with sysdig plugin. Please help.


There are 2 answers

Rafik On

I used the following link (https://docs.sysdig.com/en/configure-sysdig-with-grafana.html) and I was able to get Sysdig metrics into Grafana. enter image description here

Can you check if you have already defined the authentication:

enter image description here

witty_minds On

I did it using LoadBalancer. Cluster firewall settings was causing the connectivity issue.