UIViewController view and subviews don't update

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I have spent the last few days trying to solve a strange problem concerning uiviews updates

I have an UIViewController (lets’ call it mm3ViewController) with 2 views (viewtop and viewbottom). (autolayout is ON, each view on half of the screen).

mm3ViewController is the parentviewcontroller of 2 childviewcontrollers called resultTopVC and resultBottomVC.

Those 2 childviewcontrollers are instances of Resultviewcontroller and child views are displayed in viewtop and viewbottom, using prepareview method of mm3ViewController:

//piece or mm3ViewController code
- (void)prepareviews{
    resultTopVC = [[resultsviewcontroller alloc] initWithNibName:@"resultsviewcontroller" bundle:nil];
    resultTopVC.view.frame = _viewtop.bounds;
    resultTopVC.selectedview = SelectedviewisTop;
    [resultTopVC.view setBackgroundColor:[UIColor orangeColor]];
    [self.viewtop addSubview:resultTopVC.view];
    [self addChildViewController:resultTopVC];
    [resultTopVC didMoveToParentViewController:self];

    resultBottomVC = [[resultsviewcontroller alloc] initWithNibName:@"resultsviewcontroller" bundle:nil];
    resultBottomVC.view.frame = _viewbottom.bounds;
    resultBottomVC.selectedview = SelectedviewisBotton;
    [resultBottomVC.view setBackgroundColor:[UIColor grayColor]];
    [self.viewbottom addSubview:resultBottomVC.view];
    [self addChildViewController:resultBottomVC];
    [resultBottomVC didMoveToParentViewController:self];

This part of the code seems to work fine.

Resultviewcontroller is a UIViewController containing 3 UILabels (Autolayout is ON).

I added a toucheBegan method to detect touches in any part of the Resultviewcontroller intances views and subviews. A touch trigger a method called buttontouched…

//piece or Resultviewcontroller  code
- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event{
    [self buttontouched:nil];
- (IBAction)buttontouched:(id)sender {
    ivc= [[inputViewController alloc]initWithNibName:@"inputViewController" bundle:nil];
    ivc.selectedview = _selectedview;
    [self presentViewController:ivc animated:YES completion:nil];

This method inits and display an UIViewController (inputViewController) that allows users to enter some data.

After data entry, when users are done… the inputViewController instance posts a notification (with some data wrapped in the userinfodic) that is used by the Resultviewcontroller instances (resultTopVC and resultBottomVC) to update their views backgroundcolor, labels, etc…and remove inputViewController instance

//piece of Resultviewcontroller code
#pragma mark
#pragma mark Notification managment methods
- (void) NotifEvalution:(NSNotification*)notice{
    if ([notice.name isEqualToString:kNotificationinputcancelled]) {
        [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:TRUE completion:nil];
    if ([notice.name isEqualToString:kNotificationinputreturnobject]) {
        [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:TRUE completion:nil];

        NSDictionary *dic = notice.userInfo;
        Selectedview caller = (Selectedview)[[dic objectForKey:@"caller"]integerValue];
        if (_selectedview == caller){
            NSLog(@"I receivers %@",[dic objectForKey:@"value"]);
            [self.view setBackgroundColor:[UIColor yellowColor]];
            [self.view setBackgroundColor:[UIColor magentaColor]];

The NotifEvalution method is called (NSLog tests work fine, inputVC is dissmissed)… but views and labels are not updates and I can’t figure out why!

I have tried different approaches and tests but I’m running out of options now…

Transparent UIButton on top of the Resultviewcontroller view hierarchy…instead of toucheBegan method don't solve thes problem

I have tested Notification or Delegate design pattern…

I noticed one thing: I can update views and labels with Resultviewcontroller ViewWillAppear method (outlets are set properly)… but I can’t update anything after inputVC is presented and dismissed…

My problem seems to involve that modalviewcontroller…

Do you have any clue concerning this problem and a way to fix it ?



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