UITabBarController UISplitViewController hidesBottomBarWhenPushed

407 views Asked by At

I am working on a universal app. Below is my setup

I have a UISplitViewContoller as the third tab of a UITabBarController. The SplitViewController is having 2 UINavigationViewController both leading to 2 different UIViewControllers lets say (A & B)

Storyboard (hope image makes sense)

In iPad the app works fine both A and B are visible. In iPhone only A is visible, when I select's an item in the A then it navigates to B What I want is to hide the bottom bar when B is pushed.

I have given hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = true (in very possible view controllers)

In other UIViewControllers above code works fine, since there is no UISplitViewController


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