I am creating an UIDocumentBrowser based app and notice this issue:
- Say I am viewing these folders:- Folder 1 -> 20 items Folder 2 -> 50 items ....
e.g If my app deletes all items in say Folder 2, "50 items" is still listed as in Folder 2. How to force a refresh so that the no. of items show the correct "0 items"??
Edited to add screenshots with issue. I create a "dummy" UIDocumentBrowser app to show the issue. In the app, I added a button to delete "Selected files".
Initial state with folder F1 8 items
Screenshot with selection of 8 items in folder F1 and then choosing the "Test-Delete" button
All files are deleted in folder F1
Go back one folder up and folder F1 still says 8 items!!!
Go up one more folder and then back down, and folder F1 correctly shows 0 items
The code to delete the items is:-
func Delete_button_action(documentURLs: [URL]) {
for item in documentURLs {
do {
try FileManager.default.removeItem(at: item)
print("Item=\(item) deleted")
} catch {
print("Error in removing item \(item); error=\(error.localizedDescription)")