I am using XCode 5.1.1 for my project. The same app in working fine for iOS 7.x. However, on iOS 8, UIActionSheet buttons do not display any text.
Here is the code:
addAttachmentsOptions = [[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:nil
delegate: self
cancelButtonTitle: nil
destructiveButtonTitle: nil
otherButtonTitles: NSLocalizedString(@"ID_TAKE_PHOTO_LABEL", nil),
NSLocalizedString(@"ID_CHOOSE_PHOTO_LABEL", nil), nil];
I am aware that iOS 8 doesn't supports UIActionSheet, but I would expect backward compatibility for the already published app.
UIActionSheet for iOS 8 so please refer this https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/Uikit/reference/UIActionSheet_Class/index.html