I've been working on an app and had done it before with ui-router but with ionic and it worked. As in the title, the URL changes correctly to what I'd expect, however nothing happens after. I know that the template is correctly found because it's loaded into ressources.
I generated an yo angular-fullstack template and every view is loaded to an ui-view in the index.html but this one. I created /shifts with angular-fullstack:route shifts and the controllers with angular-fullstack:controller shift and angular-fullstack:controller shiftDetails. The url /shifts
loads correctly but not the /shift/289283
even though the url changes and $stateOnSuccess passes.
Also tried with inline template, didn't work. Controller are not really relevant but I give it to you.
shift controller
.controller('ShiftsCtrl', function ($scope,$rootScope, $http, $state) {
$scope.shifts = shifts;
$scope.shiftDetails = function(shiftId){
$state.go('shifts.details', {shiftId:shiftId}); //get it from shifts.html ng-click
ShiftDetails controller
.controller('shiftDetailsCtrl', function ($scope) {
Shift.js routes and states
.config(function ($stateProvider) {
.state('shifts', {
url: '/shifts',
templateUrl: 'app/shifts/shifts.html',
controller: 'ShiftsCtrl'
.state('shifts.details', {
url: '/:shiftId',
templateUrl: 'app/shiftDetails/shiftDetails.html',
controller: 'ShiftDetailsCtrl'
<div class="container">
<h3>Détails du shift</h3>
shifts.html where I use the ui-sref (tried also with state.go() )
<li class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="shift in shifts" >
<a ui-sref="shifts.details({shiftId:shift._id})" >
{{shift.nom.length > 0 ? shift.nom : "Pas de nom"}}</a></li>
are you sure taht your container is not actually hidden in your page but well generated ?
Your ui-sref call seems ok, as your routing