UI for NativeScript RadCharts use labels with decimals by default

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I’ve been doing some experimenting with UI for NativeScript’s charts—which are awesome, by the way—but I’m running into an odd problem I can’t seem to figure out.

On Android, the control suite loves to render all of my numeric labels with a decimal point—aka “15.0” rather than “15”. In my case (and probably in most cases) this behavior is undesirable, and I’m trying to come up with a way around this, but I’m not seeing anything in the API documentation.

To give a concrete example of what I mean, here’s the world’s simplest example that shows this behavior in action.

<!-- main-page.xml -->
    <chart:RadCartesianChart height="500">
          items="{{ data }}"
            <chart:CategoricalAxis />
            <chart:LinearAxis />

// main-page.js
var frameModule = require("ui/frame");
var Observable = require("data/observable").Observable;

var pageData = new Observable();
pageData.data = [
  { key: "One", value: 10 },
  { key: "Two", value: 20 }

exports.pageLoaded = function(args) {
  var page = args.object;
  page.bindingContext = pageData;

With this code, on iOS you end up with a vertical axis with keys like “0, 4, 8, 12”, and on Android that same axis has keys like “0.00, “5.00” & “10.00”.

How can I get the decimal points to go away on Android?


There are 1 answers

Vladimir Amiorkov On

You could use the labelFormat property of the LinearAxis and set it to the desired format. For example to make it display the float values without any trailing zeros you can use the "%.0f" format:

     <chart:LinearAxis android:labelFormat="%.0f"/>

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