ubuntu 12.04 usb debugging stopped working

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using ubuntu 12.04 and LG optimus G E975, usb debugging was working fine 2 days ago and now it just stopped working, when I plug the device into my laptop (all 3 usb ports), it just shows the charging icon, here are the things I did so far:

  • make sure usb debugging is enabled in developer options
  • make sure the required rule is added in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules with the value:

    SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="1004", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"

  • restart the adb server as root:

    sudo adb kill-server then sudo adb start-server

  • changed the usb chord
  • changed the device with another device (huawei) which was also working fine 2 days ago
  • lsusb doesn't show device connected

none of the above seems to work, adb devices doesn't find anything, not even ??????. it's just empty. Any help is appreciated.

Edit: I've followed This as well, and it did not work, ubuntu still can't detect the device. using dmesg command doesn't show any changes before or after connecting and disconnecting the device from usb port.


There are 2 answers

Anand On

If the device is not getting detected you should probably add the vendor Id in ~/.android/adb_usb.ini with sudo permission.

In the above case add 0x1004. After adding, restart the udev service with the command "sudo service udev restart" Now go to your adb location and kill-server and start server with sudo permission.

Try adb devices now and adb should be able to detect your device now.

port443 On

In my case I had to add OWNER="<my login>" (e.g. ..., OWNER="port443") to make it work. It is enough to re-plug device and run adb kill-server + adb devices for device to show up. For some reason only group does not work, even though I am in that group.

I have another question on this specific issue: Ubuntu: ADB only recognizes device if OWNER is provided