I builded an extension that has a 'details' table that holds details with a title and a description that be included inline to another object. Right now new details are stored in the same pid as the object, but I'd like to change that.
this question was answered by Merec and in the comments he points to a solution (add the column "pid" to your model, this is the first the model looks at) but asked to formulate a separate question for it ...
I took his suggestion but could not get it to work, so here is the separate question, in addition I would like to know how to get a value from the configuration to be used as pid for this.
update: René Pflamm pointed out that I should underline that I'm trying to set this Pid for saving in the backend, not in the frontend ... I basically recognized this destinction later on
my constants.ts :
plugin.tx_myext {
persistence {
# cat=plugin.tx_myext/storage/a; type=string; label=Default storage PID
defaultStoragePid =
# cat=plugin.tx_myext/storage/a; type=string; label=Details storage PID
detailsStoragePid =
my setup.ts
plugin.tx_myext {
persistence {
storagePid = {$plugin.tx_myext.persistence.defaultStoragePid}
detailPid = {$plugin.tx_myext.persistence.detailsStoragePid}
You can, when create elements in your extension, say the model which pid should be use.
In your TS:
In your code above it can look like: