Typescript. Return different objects type depending on enum input argument

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I have template names enum and for each enum value function fetchTemplate must return it's own response type.

enum KeyEnum {
  VK = 'VK',

type VkResponse = { vk: string };
type ViberResponse = { viber: number };

type ReturnTypes = {
  [KeyEnum.VK]: VkResponse;
  [KeyEnum.VIBER]: ViberResponse;

I have created function fetchTemplate with this signature:

const fetchTemplate = <T extends KeyEnum>(key: T): ReturnTypes[T]

And with this body :

const fetchTemplate = <T extends KeyEnum>(key: T): ReturnTypes[T] => {
  if (key === KeyEnum.VK) {
    return { vk: 'someString' }; <<- Here i got TS2322 error (description below)

  if (key === KeyEnum.VIBER) {
    return { viber: 1 } as ReturnTypes[T]; <<- No problems, but i dont want use "as"

# Unnecessary type definition in the left, just for testing
const vkRes: VkResponse = fetchTemplate(KeyEnum.VK);
const viberRes: ViberResponse = fetchTemplate(KeyEnum.VIBER);

But in the function body i can't just return {vk: 'someString'} or {viber:1}, because i got TS2322:

Type  { vk: string; }  is not assignable to type ReturnTypes[T]
Type  { vk: string; }  is not assignable to type  VkResponse & ViberResponse
Property  viber  is missing in type  { vk: string; }  but required in type ViberResponse 

Why TypeScript can't do type narrowing in this case? Why i need to use "as ReturnTypes[T]", how to avoid it? How i can correctly narrow key type from T to specific .VK or .VIBER and explicitly define certain (not union) return type in IFs blocks?

TypeScript v5.2.2
Node v20.8.0

This one also not working:

  switch (key) {
    case KeyEnum.VIBER:
      return { viber: 1 }; <<- The same TS2322 error

There are 2 answers


Currently control-flow based narrowing (like switch/case or if/else blocks) does not play nicely with generics. The problem is that while checking key === KeyEnum.VK will narrow the type of key, it will not affect the generic type parameter (T in your example). This is considered a missing feature, as requested in microsoft/TypeScript#33014. Until and unless that is implemented, you'll need to work around it.

For now if you want to use a generic function and return an indexed access type like ReturnTypes[T], you'll need to actually perform an indexing operation: that is, get an object of type ReturnTypes, and read a property at the key of type T. Conceptually for your example that looks like:

const fetchTemplate = <T extends KeyEnum>(key: T): ReturnTypes[T] => {
  return {
    [KeyEnum.VK]: { vk: 'someString' },
    [KeyEnum.VIBER]: { viber: 1 }
}; // okay

One possible problem with this is that it requires you to pre-calculate every possible return value. If you call fetchTemplate(KeyEnum.VK), the object will still evaluate {viber: 1} and then throw it away. For a simple case like this that's probably no big deal, but if your code has side-effects or is expensive to compute, then you could refactor to use getters, so that only the relevant code gets run:

const fetchTemplate = <T extends KeyEnum>(key: T): ReturnTypes[T] => {
  return {
    get [KeyEnum.VK]() {
      return { vk: 'someString' };
    get [KeyEnum.VIBER]() {
      return { viber: 1 };

Here if you call fetchTemplate(KeyEnum.VK), only the getter for KeyEnum.VK is never run.

Hopefully someday microsoft/TypeScript#33014 will be implemented, since this refactoring, while functional, is potentially confusing.

Playground link to code

Yosef Tukachinsky On

What you probably looking for is Function Overloads which in your case will look like this:

enum KeyEnum {
  VK = 'VK',

type VkResponse = {vk: string};
type ViberResponse = {viber: number};

function fetchTemplate(key: KeyEnum.VIBER): ViberResponse;
function fetchTemplate(key: KeyEnum.VK): VkResponse;
function fetchTemplate(key: KeyEnum) {
  if (key === KeyEnum.VK) {
    return { vk: 'someString' };

  if (key === KeyEnum.VIBER) {
    return { viber: 1 }

const vkRes: VkResponse = fetchTemplate(KeyEnum.VK);
const viberRes: ViberResponse = fetchTemplate(KeyEnum.VIBER);