Typescript: default export and namespace dual behavior as in Elm

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In Elm, we can write

import Html exposing (Html)

Then we do not need to type Html.Html, only Html suffice (unqualified) thus avoid the duplication. And we can still use Html as a namespace, e.g. Html.text (qualified).

How can we achieve this in Typescript? For example,


interface Person {
  name: string;
  age: number;

function isAdult(p: Person): boolean {
  return p.age >= 18;

export {


import * a Person from "./person" 
//Then I want to be able to use both Person.isAdult and Person (as the interface)

There are 1 answers

halfzebra On BEST ANSWER

As of today(2.1.0) there are no ways for importing definitions from a module using the same identifier. In other words, you can not import Person interface and Person object as a namespace.

ES2015 import for namespace

Export the type and a function from the module.

// person.ts
export interface Person {
    name: string;
    age: number;

export function isAdult(p: Person): boolean {
    return p.age > 18;

Now you can use ES2015 import syntax to import everything as a single object. That will look like a namespace, but it's not a namespace from TypeScript.

// index.ts
import * as Person from './person';

let person: Person.Person = { name: 'John', age: 20 };


Please don't be confused, there is a feature in TypeScript for providing namespaces but now it is obsolete, because of ES2015 import syntax.