Given the following entity definition:
export class User extends BaseEntity {
@Column({ nullable: true })
name!: string | null;
age!: number;
The following error appears:
typeORM: "message": "Data type \"Object\" in \"" is not supported by \"postgres\" database."
name: 'DataTypeNotSupportedError',
'Data type "Object" in "" is not supported by "postgres" database.' }
When looking at the build, I see that the metadata that's emitted by TS addresses it as object:
typeorm_1.Column({ nullable: true }),
__metadata("design:type", Object)
], User.prototype, "name", void 0);
What am I doing wrong?
The issue stems from this part right here:
When creating a union type, the reflected type will be
. An easy way to overcome it will be to do something like: