Getting this error:
Competition validation failed: results.0: Cast to ObjectId failed for value "{ name: 'David'}"
Here's the parent:
class Competition {
compName: string
@prop({ ref: () => CompetitionParticipant})
results: Ref<CompetitionParticipant>[]
Here's the child:
class CompetitionParticipant {
name: string
Here's how it's being called:
const CompetitionResults = getModelForClass(Competition)
await new CompetitionResults({compName: 'competition name', results: [{name: 'David'}]}).save()
this is because you try to save value
{ name: 'David' }
as an reference, which is not supported (read here for more), you need to either provide and valid_id
(in this case anObjectId
), or an instance ofmongoose.Document
the easiest workaround is to manually loop over the array and save them individually (like in an bulk-insert call, or in an for loop over the array)