I'm trying to apply a WLS filter to a lightness layer I obtained from my image
print("Applying wls filter on base image")
face_structure_layer, skin_detail_layer = wls_filter.wlsfilter_layer(lightness_layer,cmat)
But when I run this, this error is thrown [TypeError: order must be str, not int][1]
Here is the code for the WLS filter I'm using
import cv2
import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.sparse import spdiags
from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve
def wlsfilter_layer(image_orig, cmat, beta=0.2 ,lambda_=0.2):
image = image_orig.astype(np.float)/255.0
image1 = image.flatten()
s = image.shape()
k = np.prod(s)
gmat = cmat.copy()
for y in range(s[0]):
for x in range(s[1]):
if not gmat[y][x]==1:
gmat = cv2.GaussianBlur(gmat,(5,5),0)
dy = np.diff(image, 1, 0)
dx = np.diff(image, 1, 1)
dy = -beta*lambda_ / ((np.absolute(dy) ** 1.2 + 0.0001))
dx = -beta*lambda_ / ((np.absolute(dx) ** 1.2 + 0.0001))
for y in range(s[0]-1):
for x in range(s[1]-1):
dy[y][x] = (gmat[y][x])*dy[y][x]
dx[y][x] = (gmat[y][x])*dx[y][x]
dy = np.vstack((dy, np.zeros(s[1], )))
dx = np.hstack((dx, np.zeros(s[0], )[:, np.newaxis]))
dy = dy.flatten(1)
dx = dx.flatten(1)
d = 1 - (dx + np.roll(dx, s[0]) + dy + np.roll(dy, 1))
a = spdiags(np.vstack((dx, dy)), [-s[0], -1], k, k)
a = a + a.T + spdiags(d, 0, k, k)
temp = spsolve(a, image1).reshape(s[::-1])
base = np.rollaxis(temp,1)
detail = image - base
return (base*255.0), (detail*255.0)
if I run the WLS filter separately it works I checked using np.flatten with different types but it still throws the same error [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/veAfo.jpg