I have been developing some sort of Anti-MevBot and its the first time I see this error: TypeError: invalid value for Contract target (argument="target", value=null, code=INVALID_ARGUMENT, version=6.8.1)
Extra Info: { code: 'INVALID_ARGUMENT', argument: 'target', value: undefined, shortMessage: 'invalid value for Contract target' }
I'm using ethers.js 6.8.1 and node.js express 4.18.2 On a node js server 20.6.1
It occurs when I try to instantiate a Contract.
const toeknInContract = new ethers.Contract(txDTO.tokenIn, erc20ABI, xProvider)
And I'm sure that the target contract exists.
Any clue?
The error message you are getting is indicating that the provided value (txDTO.tokenIn) for the contract address is either null or undefined.
This field require a valid contract address for instantiate the contract.
please check that the value of txDTO.tokenIn is a valid before you pass it to the "ethers.Contract" constructor.You can console and check the value before passing.
I have attached a link and screenshot of the code which is causing this error.