Type 'PlayerConfiguration' has no member 'fromJson' Bitmovin iOS integration error

194 views Asked by At

I'm trying to integrate Bitmovin ios. But when I Instantiate the Player through "let config = PlayerConfiguration.fromJson("");" method there show an error "Type 'PlayerConfiguration' has no member 'fromJson'". Please anyone help me.


There are 1 answers


Yes! I found a solution.

I added following callbacks.

  • fpsConfig.prepareCertificate
  • fpsConfig.prepareLicense
  • fpsConfig.prepareContentId
  • fpsConfig.prepareMessage *
  • Custom request headers can be set using:
  • fpsConfig.certificateRequestHeaders
  • fpsConfig.licenseRequestHeaders

    do { 
        try config.setSourceItem(url: fairplayStreamUrl)
        // create drm configuration
        let fpsConfig = FairplayConfiguration(license: licenseUrl, certificateURL: certificateUrl)
        // Example of how certificate data can be prepared if custom modifications are needed
        fpsConfig.prepareCertificate = { (data: Data) -> Data in
            // Do something with the loaded certificate
            return data
        fpsConfig.prepareMessage = { (spcData: Data, assetID: String) -> Data in
            return spcData
        fpsConfig.licenseRequestHeaders = ["content-type": "application/octet-stream"]
        fpsConfig.prepareLicense = { (ckc: Data) -> Data in
            return ckc
        fpsConfig.prepareContentId = { (contentId: String) -> String in
            let part1 = contentId.components(separatedBy: ";")[1]
            let part2 = part1.components(separatedBy: "?")[0]
            return part2
        config.sourceItem?.add(drmConfiguration: fpsConfig)
        // Create player based on player configuration
        let player = BitmovinPlayer(configuration: config)
        // Create player view and pass the player instance to it
        let playerView = BMPBitmovinPlayerView(player: player, frame: .zero)
        // Listen to player events
        player.add(listener: self)
        playerView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleHeight, .flexibleWidth]
        playerView.frame = view.bounds
        view.bringSubview(toFront: playerView)
        self.player = player
    } catch {
        print("Configuration error: \(error)")