I am trying to create a method that will accept a case class and return elements as a List[C]. To test things, I have the following which works
object LocalRun extends App {
implicit private val cs = IO.contextShift(ExecutionContexts.synchronous)
private lazy val xa = Transactor.fromDriverManager[IO](
val stmt: String =
"select table_name, count(1) as col_cnt from information_schema.columns where table_name = 'FUNCTION_COLUMNS'"
private val proc: fs2.Stream[doobie.hi.ConnectionIO, (String, Int)] =
HC.stream[(String, Int)](stmt, HPS.set(()), 512)
.transact(xa).unsafeRunSync.take(5).foreach(e =>
println(s"table name: ${e._1}, number of columns: ${e._2}")
new Directory(new File("./dbdir/mydb")).deleteRecursively()
table name: FUNCTION_COLUMNS, number of columns: 17
I want to create something like
def runSelect[C](stmt: String) = HC.stream[C](stmt, HPS.set(()), 512)
but compiler throws me the follow error:
Is there a way to get past this error and create polymorphic function that will accept any arbitrary case class with a matching select and return a list?