(Note: this post is a literate-haskell file. You can copy-paste it into a text
buffer, save it as someFile.lhs
, and then run it using ghc.)
Problem description: I want ot create a graph with two different node types that
reference each other. The example below is very simplified. The two data types
and B
, are virtually identical here, but there's a reason for them to be
different in the original program.
We'll get the boring stuff out of the way.
> {-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo, UnicodeSyntax #-}
> import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M
> import Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap)
> import Control.Applicative ((<*>),(<$>),pure)
> import Data.Maybe (fromJust,catMaybes)
The data type definitions are themselves trivial:
> data A = A String B
> data B = B String A
In order to symbolize a difference between the two, we'll give them a different
> instance Show A where
> show (A a (B b _)) = a ++ ":" ++ b
> instance Show B where
> show (B b (A a _)) = b ++ "-" ++ a
And then tying the knot is of course trivial.
> knot ∷ (A,B)
> knot = let a = A "foo" b
> b = B "bar" a
> in (a,b)
This results in:
ghci> knot
That's exactly what I want!
Now the tricky part. I want to create this graph at runtime from user input. This means I need error handling. Let's simulate some (valid but nonsensical) user input:
> alist ∷ [(String,String)]
> alist = [("head","bot"),("tail","list")]
> blist ∷ [(String,String)]
> blist = [("bot","tail"),("list","head")]
(the user would of course not input these lists directly; the data would first be massaged into this form)
It is trivial to do this without error handling:
> maps ∷ (HashMap String A, HashMap String B)
> maps = let aMap = M.fromList $ makeMap A bMap alist
> bMap = M.fromList $ makeMap B aMap blist
> in (aMap,bMap)
> makeMap ∷ (String → b → a) → HashMap String b
> → [(String,String)] → [(String,a)]
> makeMap _ _ [] = []
> makeMap c m ((a,b):xs) = (a,c a (fromJust $ M.lookup b m)):makeMap c m xs
This will obviously fail as soon as the input list of String
s references
something that isn't found in the respective maps. The "culprit" is fromJust
we just assume that the keys will be there. Now, I could just ensure that the
user input is actually valid, and just use the above version. But this would
require two passes and wouldn't be very elegant, would it?
So I tried using the Maybe
monad in a recursive do binding:
> makeMap' ∷ (String → b → a) → HashMap String b
> → [(String,String)] → Maybe (HashMap String a)
> makeMap' c m = maybe Nothing (Just . M.fromList) . go id
> where go l [] = Just (l [])
> go l ((a,b):xs) = maybe Nothing (\b' → go (l . ((a, c a b'):)) xs) $
> M.lookup b m
> maps' ∷ Maybe (HashMap String A, HashMap String B)
> maps' = do rec aMap ← makeMap' A bMap alist
> bMap ← makeMap' B aMap blist
> return (aMap, bMap)
But this ends up looping indefinitely: aMap
needs bMap
to be defined, and bMap
needs aMap
. However, before I can even begin to access the keys in either map,
it needs to be fully evaluated, so that we know whether it is a Just
or a
. The call to maybe
in makeMap'
is what bites me here, I think. It
contains a hidden case
expression, and thus a refutable pattern.
The same would be true for Either
so using some ErrorT
transformer won't
help us here.
I don't want to fall back to run-time exceptions, as that would bounce me back
to the IO
monad, and that would be admitting defeat.
The minimal modification to the above working example is to just remove
, and only take the results that actually work.
> maps'' ∷ (HashMap String A, HashMap String B)
> maps'' = let aMap = M.fromList . catMaybes $ makeMap'' A bMap alist
> bMap = M.fromList . catMaybes $ makeMap'' B aMap blist
> in (aMap, bMap)
> makeMap'' ∷ (String → b → a) → HashMap String b → [(String,String)] → [Maybe (String,a)]
> makeMap'' _ _ [] = []
> makeMap'' c m ((a,b):xs) = ((,) <$> pure a <*> (c <$> pure a <*> M.lookup b m))
> :makeMap'' c m xs
This doesn't work either, and, curiously, results in slightly different behaviour!
ghci> maps' -- no output
ghci> maps'' -- actually finds out it wants to build a map, then stops.
(fromList ^CInterrupted
Using the debugger showed that these aren't even infinite loops (as I would have expected) but execution just stops. With maps'
I get nothing, with the second attempt, I at least get to the first lookup, and then stall.
I'm stumped. In order to create the maps, I need to validate the input, but in order to validate it, I need to create the maps! The two obvious answers are: indirection, and pre-validation. Both of these are practical, if somewhat inelegant. I would like to know whether it is possible to do the error-catching in-line.
Is what I'm asking possible with Haskell's type system? (It
probably is, and I just can't find out how.) It is obviously possible by
percolating exceptions to the toplevel at fromJust
, then catching them in IO
, but that's not how I'd like to do it.
The problem is that when you tie the knot you don't "build" the structures of
but rather just declare how they are supposed to be built and then they get evaluated when needed. This naturally means that if the validation is done "in-line" with evaluation then the error checking must happen inIO
because that's the only thing that can trigger evaluation (in your case, it's when you print the output ofshow
).Now, if you want to detect the error earlier you must declare the structure so that we can validate each node without traversing the whole infinite, cyclic structure. This solution is semantically the same as pre-validating the input, but hopefully you'll find it syntactically more elegant
This first defines the mutually recursive maps
which have the typesHashMap String (Maybe A)
andHashMap String (Maybe B)
respectively, meaning that they'll contain all the node keys but the keys are associated withNothing
if the node was invalid. The "cheating" happens inThis will essentially just look up the referenced node with
and if that succeeds we just assume that the returned node is valid and usefromJust
. This prevents the infinite loop that would otherwise occur if we tried to validate theMaybe
layers all the way down. If the lookup fails then this node is invalid i.e.Nothing
.Next we turn the
HashMap String (Maybe a)
maps "inside out" intoMaybe (HashMap String a)
maps usingsequenceA
. The resulting value isJust _
only if every node inside the map wasJust _
otherwise. This guarantees that thefromJust
we used above cannot fail.