tx_news and roq_newsevent: integrate plugin via TypoScript

308 views Asked by At

I am upgrading tt_news + mbl_newsevent to their successors tx_news + (probably) roq_newsevent.

I am still missing out on how to access roq_newsevent data in a template when integrating (trying to) it via TypoScript.

Another community member has asked the same question on TYPO3 forge https://forge.typo3.org/issues/61060 before, but no answer.

I would expect it's just extbase basics, I haven't seen a plugin that can only be used via flexform, is it?

EDIT (returns no news):

temp.newslist = USER
temp.newslist {
   userFunc = tx_extbase_core_bootstrap->run
   extensionName = News
   pluginName = Pi1
   switchableControllerActions {
         News {
           1 = eventList
   settings < plugin.tx_news.settings
   settings.startingpoint = {$pidRecords}
   settings.recursive = 1
   settings.detailPid = {$pidDetail}
   view =< plugin.tx_news.view

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