Twython 403 forbidden error

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I am trying to do two things: 1) stream data from twitter 2) update my status based on that data

Streaming works fine but every time I try to update my status, I get the a 403 error, forbidden.

I get the same response if I use:


This is the error message I receive:

twython.exceptions.TwythonError: Twitter API returned a 403 (Forbidden), Your credentials do not     allow access to this resource.

There are 1 answers

duckdivesurvive On

You need to show more of your code so I can see what could be wrong. But my guess is that you maybe making the same error I did. To update your status you do not need to do this:


You can use the Access Key and secret from your twitter application to update your own account. But more code will help figure this out.