I'm quite inexpert with the frontend world and i'm trying to make this working.
$('#the-basics .typeahead').typeahead({
hint: true,
highlight: true,
minLength: 6
}, {
source: function (query, process) {
return $.get('autocompleteCodiceFiscale', {
codiceFiscale: query
}, function (data) {
return process(data.options);
}).on('typeahead:selected', function (evt, data) {
//Mocking some data
if (data.length >= 16) {
$('#indirizzo').val("Via della prova");
$('#email').val("[email protected]");
$('#aslCircoscrizione').val("Roma IV");
} else {
// do other stuff
This give no errors but does not show the returned data, the alert shows that the informations requested are returned correctly.
if i use it like this
var substringMatcher = function(strs) {
return function findMatches(q, cb) {
var matches, substringRegex;
// an array that will be populated with substring matches
matches = [];
// regex used to determine if a string contains the substring `q`
substrRegex = new RegExp(q, 'i');
// iterate through the pool of strings and for any string that
// contains the substring `q`, add it to the `matches` array
$.each(strs, function(i, str) {
if (substrRegex.test(str)) {
var anagrafica = ['SHFMMD81D06Z336B - Mohamed Shafik - 06/04/1981',
'SHFMMD81D06Z336B - Mohamed Shafik - 06/04/1982',
'MRTCLG81D08G442B - Calogero Martello - 01/01/1981'
$('#the-basics .typeahead').typeahead({
hint: true,
highlight: true,
minLength: 6
}, {
name: 'anagrafica',
source: substringMatcher(anagrafica)
}).on('typeahead:selected', function(evt, data) {
if (data.length >= 16) {
$('#indirizzo').val("Via della prova");
$('#email').val("[email protected]");
$('#aslCircoscrizione').val("Roma IV");
} else {
//do other stuff
everything works fine.
My controller looks like this
@RequestMapping(value = { "autocompleteCodiceFiscale" }, method = RequestMethod.GET, produces="application/json")
public @ResponseBody TempClass autocompleteCodiceFiscale(@RequestParam String codiceFiscale, ModelMap map) {
List<AssistitoDTO> assistiti = //requested data from the db
TempClass autocomplete = new TempClass();
for(AssistitoDTO assistito : assistiti)
autocomplete.options = new ArrayList<String>();
autocomplete.options.add(assistito.getAnagrafica().getCodiceFiscale() + " - " +
assistito.getAnagrafica().getCognome() + " " +
assistito.getAnagrafica().getNome() + " - " +
assistito.getAnagrafica().getDataNascita().getDay() + "/" +
assistito.getAnagrafica().getDataNascita().getMonth() + "/" +
System.out.println("La string JSON è: " + new Gson().toJson(autocomplete));
return autocomplete;
private class TempClass
public List<String> options;
It looks ugly i know but i'm just testing why it's not working at the moment. I don't think that i need to show my css because it works correctly with the mock. By the way the suggestions aren't even getting populated, it's not a visual issue. I apologize for my english.
Oh god finally i solved it, i've chenged it quite a bit, and thats the result,
and the controller has been modified too
and it finally works like this.