I'm trying to follow the instructions shown on this page: https://www.twilio.com/docs/api/rest/outgoing-caller-ids to verify
a number and add that number to my twilio account as a caller ID
However, when I open my PHP page in the browser, I don't see any ValidationCode
in my page to be able to enter it via the phone!
My account is a full account and has credits in it so the issue is not that.
also, when I open my PHP Page, the phone number provided rings but as I stated above, I don't see any verification Code in my php page to be able to use it to verify the number!
This is the code I am using from the pag above:
// Get the PHP helper library from twilio.com/docs/php/install
require_once('path/to/Services/Twilio.php'); // Loads the library
// Your Account Sid and Auth Token from twilio.com/user/account
$sid = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
$token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
$client = new Services_Twilio($sid, $token);
$caller_id = $client->account->outgoing_caller_ids->create("+44myphonenumber", array(
"FriendlyName" => "Michelle"
echo $caller_id->sid;
Could someone please advise on this issue?
Here is what twilio support told me to use right at the bottom of my php code and it worked fine: